
Snow Picture

9:49 AM

Here is the picture of the snow I promised. Sorry there aren’t more but my internet connection is giving me trouble. It snowed in our area over half the day! I know for up north that is nothing big, but for down here in Texas, that is huge!

Have a great day!

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  1. Aww, that is a sweet picture of you dear! :D I'm glad you were able to enjoy some snow! :) And yes, that is nothing big. ;) HeHe! Not when we got 30 inches (more or less) between two back-to-back snow storms! :D

    Love and Hugs!

  2. It's quite a sight to see snow falling in Texas!=) By the way, I think a black and white picture of the same picture you posted would look very classy!=)

  3. Wow! That is alot for Texas!

    I love the picture! :)

